Troop 5

Cooking Competition 2024

By Andrew K.

Troop 5 had a great time at its annual Cooking Competition in late January, with the Scouts overnighting at Camp Munsee.

Departure for the trip was delayed because of snow being forecast, but the Troop managed to get to work shortly after arriving at the camp on Saturday morning instead of Friday night.

The Scouts all competed in cooking up interesting and tasty dishes, with creative costumes and settings around each patrol’s ‘theme.’

The Cobra patrol’s theme was Scottish food,

while the Scorpion patrol’s theme was Fortnite.

The Flaming Arrow patrol’s theme was Super Bowl food, and the Hawk patrol’s theme was Roman food.

The Fox patrol’s theme was Indian food, complete with naan, curry, and a Mango lassi!

In the end the Flaming Arrows patrol took home the crown, winning a heavy serving of Patrol Point Contest points.
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